Wacken Open Air
Suidakra ersetzen Tribe After Tribe


TRIBE AFTER TRIBE  müssen aus privaten Gründen ihren Auftritt beim diesjährigen Wacken  Open Air 2006 absagen.

Hier das offizielle Statement:
„Yesterday, Robbi got a sad call from his family in South Africa – his mom is passing away. I feel so sorry for Robbi and his Mom and express my deepest condolences. We decided to cancel upcoming european shows in August. I am sure TRIBE AFTER TRIBE fans understand that Robbi needs some time to say goodbye. Now it is up to us to support Robbi and his family, who always felt strongly about people, friends, and fans all-around the world.“

An Ihrer Stelle werden SUIDAKRA  nun am 5.8.2006 um 17:00 die W:E:T Stage rocken.

Quelle: ICS WOA
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