neues Label und neues Album
Das letzte Studioalbum „Babylon“ ist fast sechs Jahre her, Album Nummer 15 wird unter einem neuen Label-Dach veröffentlicht: die US-Heavy-Metal-Pioniere W.A.S.P. haben einen weltweiten Vertrag bei Napalm Records unterschrieben und gleichzeitig ihr neues Werk für August 2015 angekündigt.
Dazu W.A.S.P.-Fronter Blackie Lawless im O-Ton: „W.A.S.P. are excited to announce they have signed an exclusive recording contract with Napalm Records. We chose Napalm for their personal belief and professional commitment to our career. We’re looking forward to years of great success together starting with the release of our upcoming album „Golgotha“!“
Thomas Caser, Vize-Präsident von Napalm Records fügt hinzu: „It is a true honor to announce this signing today, a dream has come true. With their impressive career and ability to create musical masterpieces W.A.S.P have always been one of the most influential Metal bands out there since the beginning of their career. We are thrilled about the upcoming album Golgotha which will be released this summer!“