Split mit dem Drummer


VADER haben sich von ihrem Drummer Doc getrennt und als sofortigen Ersatz Daray bekanntgegeben, der auch schon das letzte Album „The Beast“ eingespielt hat. Fronter Peter hat folgendes Statement zum Split gegeben:

„We have been building ‚the VADER Empire‘ together since ’88… The success of our music was no doubt the success of Doc himself. Not just a talent is but the main point of being a part of a BAND, not only musical abilities but — first of all — devotion, utterance…. We had already such a problems before (Shambo, Simon..). Doc pretty hard tried to ‚fight‘ against his weaknesses, which were troubles for all of us. Finaly he had not prevailed over that battle… All in all, he attempted.

VADER today is not just a friendship anymore — it’s our life with armies of man involved in music, releases and — first of all — fans waiting for shows or new albums… This is a high responsibility, not too many know about. If a person, even the most talented one, cannot stand it — has to leave… That was Doc’s decission as well. ‚But the world keeps turnin’…‘ and the same is with VADER. We were and we will be!!!“

Quelle: Blabbermouth
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