The Project Hate
Trennung vom Sänger
THE PROJECT HATE trennen sich von ihrem Sänger Mia Ståhl. Der Band zufolge fehlte ihrem ehemaligem Sänger die nötige Hingabe zur Band. Nun ist am auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Ersatz: „If you wanna play with us, you have to burn for what we do, Mia doesn’t do that, (…) There are no hard feelings between us and this is for the best as far as TPH goes. This also means that we are now looking into a suitable replacement. If you know anyone or if you think you can answer to the standards we have, don’t hesitate to e-mail us or do it thru regular mail with a sample of something you have done in the past, or now. We’ll carefully go thru all submissions to find what we are looking for. Your voice doesn’t have to resemble Mia’s, we want someone with a personal style, and more important, someone who’s willing to sacrifice their soul to be a part of our domination.“
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