Stampin´ Ground
Neuer Mann hinter der Schießbude....


Der englische Thrash-Metal/HardCore Geheimtipp hat einen neuen Mann hinter der Schießbude. Es handelt sich hierbei um Neil Hutton, den ehemaligen Drummer der englischen Death/Thrash Metal Band BENEDICTION. Er ersetzt Ade Stokes. Hierzu das offizielle Statement der Band in der Orginalfassung: „After 7 awesome years together, we parted company last week with our long serving drummer Ade Stokes. This was a particularly agonising and difficult decision for us to make, but certainly one we spent many months over and made for all the right reasons. The best and most honest way we can explain this, is that the killer drummer we were so proud of on the last 3 albums and the tours that followed, was just not with us anymore. Sure, he can still shred, but it´s playing with heart that counts. It was as if the flame that ignited his fire had died out, and it seemed S.G. became a lower priority in his life. We don´t want to drag out the bands dirty laundry here, or put Ade down in any way, as he served us well through many good and bad times; and was a good friend to us all. We know Ade has a lot of fans out there, and this may be hard for you to believe. The drums, which are the driving force of S.G, were not slaying us the rehearsal room anymore, and as consequence, the new material, as strong as we see it, was simply not being brought to life. He just didn´t seem to want it bad enough. In addition, musical differences between Ade and the rest of S.G only made rehearsals more strained; it always took an excessive amount of hard work to get things sounding up to scratch, and even then the new stuff sounded forced or unnatural. The chemistry had changed between him and us. We know many of you out there are thinking, oh no – they´re doomed, but you have to realise that absolutely no one in S.G wanted to push Ade out, or have him leave. To forge ahead in this predicament would only weaken us, and that´s not fair to any of our fans, Ade or the band. Nobody, and we mean nobody, wanted this to work more than us, but to make this cut at this late stage on the eve of recording the album must highlig ht to a huge degree how big this problem has become. We are sorry to see him go, but we have to move forwards, not backwards. We wish him all the best. – STAMPIN´ GROUND “ Ohne viel Zeit zu verlieren hat sich Neil mit dem neuen Material vertraut gemacht und unterzieht alles einer großen Überarbeitung. In den nächsten Wochen wird die Band den Proberaum in Flammen setzen um sich auf das Studio vorzubereiten, wo sie dann laut Band „das Album unseres Lebens aufnehmen werden“. Jegliche Gerüchte, die Band würde in Richtung NU-Metal abdriften werden im Keim erstickt. „Das neue Material ist schneller, heavier und aggressiver als jemals zuvor, und wir haben einen Death Metal Drummer an Bord!“ Die Aufnahmen werden höchstwahrscheinlich Ende September/Anfang Oktober 2002 über die Bühne gehen. Wer die Band jemals live bewundern durfte, kann bestätigen das es sich hier nicht um irgendwelche Luftschlösser handelt, sondern es sich bei dem neuen Release von STAMPIN´ GROUND wahrlich um einen gewaltigen Arschtritt für alle Poser da draußen handeln wird! (Link)

Quelle: Century Media

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