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SOILWORK-Sänger Björn „Speed“ Strid hat sich bei seinem ehemaligen Drummer Richard Evensand dafür entschuldigt, dass er auf der Dankesliste des aktuellen Albums „Stabbing The Drama“ nicht erwähnt wird. Hier das offizielle Statement:

„I would like to take the time and make a statement about our former drummer Richard Evensand (who I still have frequent contact with). For some reason we forgot to put him on the thanx list of the new album and i really feel bad about it. I really don’t have an explanation to this more than that we were really late with the thanx list for the album and it all became very stressed. I just wanna appologize to him and also tell you guys that there’s no hard feelings between the band and him. All i can say is that he’s a very good friend of mine and he definitely does NOT deserve the bullshit that you guys might have read in magazines and seen on some DVDs… Richard is now living in Melbourne, Australia and will probably tear it up when you least expect it in another band. So thank you, Ricky, and good luck bro!!!“

Quelle: Blabbermouth
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