Night in Gales
Drummer gesucht


Wie auf der offiziellen Night in Gales Homepage (Link) zu lesen ist, ist die Band auf der Suche nach einem neuen Drummer. Hier die komplette Meldung – inclusive Statement von Christian (ex-Drums) – in englischer Sprache: „Chris decided to leave the N/I/G team… don´t worry, there was no bad blood in any way, but he just felt the need to go on… here is his statement… „Hi everyone! Here is Christian writing. Yes, the rumours have been true and I´m gonna leave NIGHT IN GALES in October. I write this mail to stop all you nerds talking shit and making their own versions out of this! Hopefully you take a minute to read this: After 7 Years of NIGHT IN GALES I felt something like stagnation coming up. So, I thought about doing something new, something that makes me burn again. Surely, also some unnecessary personal and musical differences made this descision even easier, but weren`t the main part of it. So, there is no reason to say that this split was needed to be done but it´s better in some ways. I really hope that the rest comes up again and finds a good drummer and record label again! All the best from here dudes!!! Anyone interested in my „old job“ should write the guys at For the people who think that I am out of Business as I leave NIG. YOU ARE WRONG!!! I already started a new Band called DEADSOIL with ex-members of COPYKILL and DRIFT. Look out for a release early/mid 2003. This will have my main priority, and it moshes up your bootie! Keep your eyes`n`ears open wide for this one. Also, some more BLOODRED BACTERIA releases are released and yet planned again. Just have a look at our webspace! The old GODZ AT WAR recordings are gonna be released soon on CD through Heavy Metal Rock Records Brazil. Maybe there will also be some new stuff? There are also talks about various excellent projects that should come up in 2003. So, I am not dead because of leaving NIG. GOT IT? I also wanna thank DEW-SCENTED and SIX REASONS TO KILL for giving me the opportunity as a stand-in drummer and getting me on the road. Always again!?! If anyone wants to get in contact with me, just mail and and I will get back 100%. So, hope to hear from you and have a good night. Keep It Evil“ Chris will be playin his last N/I/G show on friday, october 11th at the Endzeit Festival in Essen, Germany… check out the terror worldwide section for details… So, guess there´s nothin left to say but „All the best for your future, bro…!“ Obviously we need a new drumboy now, so if you´re up for some heavy audioterrorism, just drop us a line…

Galerie mit 19 Bildern: Night In Gales - Summer Breeze Open Air 2018
Quelle: Night in Gales

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