Neues Album im Anmarsch
Die reaktivierten polnischen Schwarzmetaller MASTIPHAL werden „Parvzya“, ihr erstes Album seit 15 Jahren, am 15. Mai 2011 via Witching Hour Productions veröffentlichen. Abgemischt und gemastert wurde „Parvzya“ im Necromorbus Studio bei Sverker „Widda“ Widgren.
Zu den Aufnahmen berichtet Sänger Flauros: „We were working for almost one year on the new songs. But we didn’t want to rush things up. „Widda“ is a patient guy, who took our opinions into consideration during final mixing. Previously the album was to be released in autumn, but fortunately there was no pressure from the label’s site, which trusted and supported us. Thanks to those conditions we’re now for the first time fully satisfied with our work. In the 90’s we definitely didn’t have such comfortable conditions. This time the album sounds perfectly and reflects fully what we’re capable of.“
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