unterschreiben bei Candlelight


Die norwegischen Avantgardisten MANES haben einen neuen Deal bei Candlelight Records unterschrieben, nachdem ihr Vertrag beim italienischen Label Code666 ausgelaufen ist. Die erste Veröffentlichung unter neuer Flagge wird das für Anfang 2007 erwartete „Invention – Or How The World Came To An End And Why We Did It“ sein. Anfang Juli wird die Band zunächst mit einer „relativ schäbigen, ungemasterten“ Pre-Production-Version eines neuen Songs namens „Indiscretion First Draft“ auf einem Candlelight Labelsampler vertreten sein.

Die Band zur Ausrichtung des neuen Materials: „[The] album will be recorded onto an old third-generation C90 BASF cassette (currently housing „Slowly we rot“ by Obituary) and it will see us venturing into the grand spheres of the metal-opera in full-blown midi orchestration. Or maybe not. It will, however, be a kinda conceptual thread throughout the whole thing, but not in the Lala-land sense of the conceptual-album. Ah, fuck it. Wait and see/hear.

We’ll be collaborating with some external people again on this, both musical, lyrical and visual artists, so that’s keeping the unpredictability-meter dangerously close to the red zone for us as well, which we find very satisfying. Some of the songs has already been given names like Deeprooted, Every passenger a pilot, Controlled escalation and Dira Necessitas. We find the new stuff very dark and atmospheric in a close-to-suicidal way, and some of you will probably hate us forever and wish we’d just die after this one. Which we also find very satisfying.“

Quelle: Manes

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