Machine Head
unterschreiben bei Nuclear Blast
Nach mehreren Jahren und zahlreichen Gesprächen ist es endlich unter Dach und Fach: MACHINE HEAD unterzeichnen bei Nuclear Blast! Begeisterung auf beiden Seiten.
Markus Staiger von Nuclear Blast dazu:
„There’s no doubt that MACHINE HEAD is one of the most influential modern day bands. Just listen to their debut album which still sounds like it’s been recorded just a few months ago – sound wise as well as in terms of songwriting! Or check out their recent metal masterpiece »The Blackening« which shows the band is still peaking and is more vital than ever. I’ve been a huge MACHINE HEAD fan from day one and I’ve always followed them through all the different stages of their career. So it is a real honor for me to finally be working with them, having them join the Nuclear family and kicking some major ass worldwide for and with MACHINE HEAD! Let freedom ring with a Nuclear Blast!“
Noch im Oktober werden sich MACHINE HEAD ins Studio begeben, um den Nachfolger des erfolgreichen „Unto The Locust“ einzuspielen. Gitarrist und Sänger Robb Flynn zum Deal:
When I visited the Nuclear Blast compounds in both Germany and Los Angeles last year, the vibe and spirit that Markus Staiger, Gerardo Martinez and their respective teams created took me back to the spirit of the old Roadrunner Records days, back when bands like OBITUARY and SEPULTURA were changing the world with their music. Everyone believes, everyone wants it for the right reasons, it’s about creating and respecting a culture, about pioneering new ways for people to discover great music.“