Die norwegischen Blackies von KHOLD haben verkündet, dass die Band für unbestimmte Zeit auf Eis liegen wird. Hier das das Statement der Band:
„Sarke [drums] and Gard [guitar, vocals] will continue with their pre-KHOLD project, TULUS. They will enter studio and record their fourth album. Rinn [guitar] is about to build his own studio and will start producing other artists as well as continuing a previous project, SENSA ANIMA. Grimd is proud to announce that he will be an organ donor. In order to keep his organs in the best possible condition he will make sure they’re drenched with alcohol most of the time.
This announcement does not mean that KHOLD is dead and buried. We all still keep in touch with each other. If the time is right KHOLD will once again rise from the icy north!
We would like to thank all our fans for all your support through all these years!“
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