Arbeiten an "Death Domination"


Die schwedischen Todesmetaller IMPIOUS sind derzeit fleißig dabei, ein neues Album einzuhämmern. Dessen Titel steht schon fest: „Death Domination“. Erscheinen soll das Werk diesen Winter – dazu die Band selbst:

„We have chosen „Death Domination“ as the title for our new album! The album will be released this winter through Metal Blade Records!

The title symbolizes how death rules over all, and how man seeks to religion as a feeble comfort against what will happen when death takes us. Without death, religion is powerless. And only in death will religion fill its purpose.

It was extremely important to us that the title would fit our new songs and artwork perfectly. We needed a short yet powerful title that would show just how confident we are about our new material. This album will by far be the most crushingly brutal album we’ve ever made and we believe this title says it all!

Drums and guitars are all recorded and Erik is right now finishing up the bass tracks. Meanwhile, Martin and Valle are finishing the lyrics for the album that Martin will begin recording in a couple of days.“

Quelle: Impious

- Dreaming in Red -

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