Iced Earth
Amerika genießt Priorität.
Die Tour zum neuen Album „Horror Show“ beginnt für Iced Earth nun überraschend im September zusammen mit Judas Priest und Anthrax in den Staaten. Dadurch verschieben sich die bereits angekündigten Shows in ganz Europa, wahrscheinlich sehr zum Ärgernis der Fans jenseits des großen Teichs… Jon Schaffer gibt sich jedoch die größte Mühe und versucht in folgendem Statement die Lage der Dinge zu erklären: „Hello Friends, As you may have heard, I was faced with a hard decision recently concerning our touring plans. As most of you know Iced Earth has continued to fight for the advancement of metal music since the inception of the band some 17 years ago. I know my decision has disappointed a lot of our European fans. However, the future of Iced Earth may very well depend on a tour such as the tour with Priest. What I mean by this is that we have struggled for the last 11 years since we’ve been signed to get a tour like this in the U.S. This could very well be a new day in the band’s history and a long overdue break that we have needed. If the doors finally start opening here in the States it will have a strong effect everywhere else in the world. This could be the beginning of something very special. So for those of you in Europe who are upset please try to understand that we have to take this opportunity for the future of the band. I promise we will reschedule the tour as soon as possible and bring to you the best Iced Earth show you have ever seen, you have my word on it!!!!! Take care and best to all…“ Jon Schaffer
Galerie mit 16 Bildern: Iced Earth - Rock am Härtsfeldsee 2018Mehr zu Iced Earth
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