Hail Spirit Noir
"Mayhem In Blue" kommt im Oktober


Zwei Jahre nach „Oi Magoi“ werden die Psychedelic Prog Black Metaller HAIL SPIRIT NOIR am 14. Oktober ihr neues Album „Mayhem In Blue“ veröffentlichen.

Hail Spirit Noir

Das Cover Artwork für „Mayhem In Blue“ stammt von Olia Pishchanska.

HAIL SPIRIT NOIR über das kommenden Album:

„It’s been two and a half years since the release of our last album, and with “Mayhem In Blue” we have set out to express our more aggressive side, without sacrificing any of the psychedelic melodies that are an integral part of what we like to call HAIL SPIRIT NOIR’ s “weird black sound”. If anything, in fact, the sound is more enticing and trippy than ever.
Featuring the mixing talents of Dimitris Douvras (ROTTING CHRIST etc) and the exceptional mastering abilities of Alan Douches (CHELSEA WOLFE, MOTORHEAD etc), we feel that the result is an album that elevates our signature psychoprog black metal sound to new levels.“

„Mayhem In Blue“ wird via Dark Essence Records erscheinen.

Quelle: Hail Spirit Noir auf Facebook

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