Neues Label


GRIFFIN haben kürzlich einen Vertrag bei Burning Star Records unterzeichnet.
Das ausführliche Statement der Band dazu:

„We are extremely pleased to announce that we have closed all negotiations concerning the new record deal. I don’t think we’ve ever been this confident in the product we have, and the labels we’re gonna work with. It’s a label, that have the idealistic approach, and a true love for metal. They support, motivate and believe. This is a lifestyle for them, as it is for us.

We’re proud to present Burning Star Records as our new partner. A two album deal has been signed. Their first release will be the new, already recorded album, “The Ultimate Demise”. Burning Star will be the label releasing the album on the European continent, while our partners in Japan , Spiritual Beast, will be in charge of the Asian and American Marked. We’ve been informed that The End Records and Century Media will handle the distribution there. We’re also happy to announce that TUBA Records will distribute The Ultimate Demise in our home country of Norway . We can safely say that we’re in good hands. For future releases, Burning Star will have the worldwide rights.

Tentative release for The Ultimate Demise in Europe , is March 2007. The Asian and American release date, is at this point unknown. Approximately one year later, Burning Star will release a re-mixed and re-mastered edition of our 2003 album entitled No Holds Barred. This album was never released in Europe, with the exception of Norway . Alexi Laiho contributed with some guitarleads, back-vocals and co-production.

The Ultimate Demise will contain different bonus material depending on where the release is. Nothing is for sure, but we’re talking about a bonus DVD with footage from the last tour. This footage was filmed by ourselves, and is our way of inviting you all to the madness that touring is. We also have bonus tracks, videos, etc.

There are some backstabbing, false hypocrites along the way that lied, cheated and did their uttermost to fuck things up, but they are easily forgotten.

Thanx a million to all that believed in us, and supported us through this. We’re honored to have you all by our side, and we will do our best to make this release worth the wait, and available to you all. The Ultimate Demise is for you!“

Quelle: Burning Star Records
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