God Seed
neues Line Up und Album
GOD SEED haben ihr neues Line Up sowie Details zum neuen Album veröffentlicht.
Neben den Gründungsmitgliedern Gaahl und King Ov Hell werden künftig bei den Black Metallern spielen:
Sir (Trelldom, Djerv) – Guitar
Kenneth Kapstad (Motorpschyco) – Drums
Geir Bratland (Dimmu Borgir) – Keys & Noise
Lust Kilman (The Batallion, Grimfist) – Guitar
King äußerte sich dazu folgendermaßen: „All members of GOD SEED have been carefully picked for their musical skills and devoted personalities. We aim to release an album which will sound different than what we have done in the past. The new members have been very important for creating a sound that hopefully will come across as unique and defining the new GOD SEED sound. From this moment, GOD SEED should not be viewed as a duo anymore, but as a band with six members.“
Release-Datum des neuen Albums, dem ersten Studio-Werk der Band, gibt es bisher noch nicht, doch die Musik wurde bereits komponiert und aufgenommen, Gaahl arbeitet momentan noch an den Lyrics und Gesangsaufnahmen.
King kommentiert dazu: „I’m really looking forward to presenting the new music I’ve been working on for the last two years. We have put a lot of work into creating something very unique. We will give some previews from the God Seed album, but more importantly, we will give a detailed presentation on how we have made the songs. Geir will demonstrate how he has created the noise and key arrangements on the recordings.“
Galerie mit 38 Bildern: God Seed - Wave Gotik Treffen 2015Mehr zu God Seed
Band | |
Stile | Black Metal |
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Yeah! Ghaal is back!
God Seed mit Keyboards? Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!