From Autumn To Ashes
Sagen Good Bye


Die Metalcorer FROMT AUTMN TO ASHES haben ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben. DIe Band sagte dazu folgendes:

„At this point I feel that we have accomplished everything we could have hoped for with FATA, It doesn´t feel much like a break up. Just feels like the end. It´s complete. I would say that we are going on indefinite hiatus because the term breakup suggests a more negative circumstance.

There have been no quarrels between band members. It is also not a question of fan support because we are lucky to have some of the most loyal and impassioned friends a band could ask for. I´ve dedicated almost 9 years to FATA and it´s become something of a security for me. I´m looking forward to feeling uncertain and the freedom of starting a new band that has no definition. We don´t have any expectations or specific goals with Warship. We just want to play loud, have fun and share some positive music with our friends“.

Quelle: Starkult Promotion


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