Flotsam And Jetsam
Eric A.K. hat genug


Wie im Forum der Bandhomepage zu lesen war hat Eric AK nicht nur mit der Band, sondern auch mit der Metalszene gebrochen. Interessant sind vor allem seine Ansichten bezüglich Tour & Familie, doch lest selbst. Das Originalstatement: „There are many reasons for me to retire from the metal industry. So lets start off with the facts. I’ve been in FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, for almost 20 years. I’ve put my heart and soul into 8 albums and I’m really proud of almost every song on those records. My first thought every morning and my last thought every night has been about how lucky I am to be where I am and how cool it is to be able to sing for Flotsam and Jetsam. I have always believed that Flots was good enough to at least make a modest living by selling records and performing live shows but this is not the case. We’ve done approximately one tour per album. Thats eight, maybe nine, tours since 1985. On each tour I’ve been paid enough to survive which is fine. No complaints about that. However, these „tours“ are so very small and far between. I have spent 9 or 10 months out of each of those 19 years digging ditches, setting tile, hooking up cable, plumbing, bartending, working at Taco Bell, and whatever it takes to stay alive because this industry, that I’m told is so great, has failed me and it has failed my brothers. We never asked for limos or big houses, or even lots of money. All we wanted was to make a modest living so we could continue making records and performing live. And we have been able to perform all we want and record at least once a year but only at the cost of having no life other than the three months a year on the road. It’s pretty hard to keep life in a waiting position. Having 10 months at home with nothing to do except struggling to make enough to feed a family will lead you to one of two places: either you become a talented but worthless drug addict or you accumulate an actual life. I have created over the years a very nice little family life for myself and for my wife and children which has become extremely more important than playing metal and partying on the road. I have always wanted to spend my life on a tour bus. I have never wanted to be responsible for an entire family. But now that I’ve had both, I can see what is truly important in life. (And ####in‘ stupid chicks on the back of the bus just doesn’t hold a candle to hearing the phrase, „Daddy, will you play with me?“) The Metal Industry, has beaten me. I’m screaming „uncle.“ But the Music Industry, has not even met me yet and they’d all better look the #### out. Eric AK is on a mission. On to bigger and better things. In my opinion, there is no better metal band than Flotsam and Jetsam. That is why this whole thing is so damn frustrating. Why couldn’t it just pay off once or twice? Anyway, I have no worries about the rest of the band; they are without a doubt some of the most talented musicians I have ever met. I’m sure they will do just fine on their own. I would like to thank all the fans who have bought records, even though there aren’t very many of you. You are die hard and loyal and appreciated. I’d also like to thank Flots for the school of hard knocks education and the years of more fun than any five men should have. After this letter is posted, you will probably be hearing some nasty things from a couple of guys in the band. This is to be expected. They are running on almost the same frustration I am and their anger is now directed towards me. They truly are a good bunch of nuts and eventually, they’ll get over it. FLOTS ‚TIL YOU CAN’T HANDLE IT NO MORE… “

Galerie mit 17 Bildern: Flotsam & Jetsam - Wacken Open Air 2024
Quelle: Flotsam and Jetsam

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