Extreme Metal
italienische TV-Metalsendung wegen Satanismus abgesetzt
„Extreme Metal“, eine Fernsehshow, die über den italienischen Satellitensender Rock TV ausgestrahlt wurde, wurde offiziell abgesetzt. Moderiert wurde die Show von ANCIENT/FAUST-Gitarrist Aleister, der nebenbei noch durch das Programm einer Show namens „Morning Glory“ geführt hatte.
Grund für die Einstellung des Formats und die Entlassung Aleisters war das Bekenntnis zum Satanismus einer Band, die in „Extreme Metal“ zu Gast war. Eine Zuschauerfrage an die Band, ob die Gruppe die okkulten Symbole ernst nehme, hatte eine entsprechende Antwort zufolge, welche der Sender zum Anlass nahm, keine 24 Stunden nach Ausstrahlung, das Format einzustampfen und Aleister aller seiner Pflichten zu entbinden.
Sein Statement: „I am very disappointed and sorry for what has happened because once again metal music has been shut out of a TV channel. I was dismissed from all other shows as well, like ‚Morning Glory‘ where I was [responsible for bringing in] some of the highest text message [revenue to] the channel — a show that had nothing to do with ‚Extreme Metal‘. I am also disappointed of how the cooperation with Rock TV ended (43 minutes after the show in question, I was fired), for something that was not my fault and which was out of my control — something that could have been resolved in a less extreme manner, with more respect towards me and the many bands that were booked to appear to the show. I thought I deserved a little respect after years of great [work] with ‚Extreme Metal‘, ‚Morning Glory‘ and the many interviews I did with bands for the channel without any problems and the hard work I put into Rock TV for free on my part, since my cooperation with the channel was merely a hobby and pleasure… I wasn’t getting paid for what I was doing. I have always been involved in the world of Rock TV with passion and enthusiasm and with maximum availability towards them. I have always selected the guests to appear on the show to the best of my abilities and knowledge, trying to filter them as much as possible so no one could be offended, but I cannot be responsible if suddenly someone decides to say something [questionable] on air, even if I don’t feel that what was said is so tragic. Unfortunately, this person had already come to the channel for another show and he behaved very well.
I respect everyone’s ideology and beliefs without exceptions and without hostility. Unfortunately this thing happened and I was held fully guilty and responsible for it. I was removed completely from the channel and the show closed, with no more chances for underground metal bands to promote their music. This decision was made so I want to take this opportunity to say ‚hi‘ and ‚thank you‘ to all the bands that have been guests at my shows and all the bands that were supposed to come and have seen that chance fade.“