Eternal Champion
Bassist Brad Raub verstorben


Völlig überraschend erhielten wir heute die Nachricht, dass der Bassist von ETERNAL CHAMPION und SUMERLANDS, Brad Raub, mit gerade einmal 36 Jahren verstorben ist.

Hier das Statement der Band:

“We are devastated to report that yesterday our brother, our bassist, our best friend, Brad Raub has passed on. He was 36 years young.

Brad was well read, fucking hilarious, a true sweetheart, a great listener, a deadly sharp bassist, a legendary napper, and a man who loved his family and friends til his last moment.

A true example of a person whom to know was to love, and his friendship, mirth, his kindness and a thousand other qualities will be missed beyond what words can convey. Nothing can repair the void left in our lives right now but we are accepting love and good vibes. If you smoke then smoke one for our man, if you drink then drink one for our man. We love you Bad Brad. See you on the other side.”

Raub war im März 2024 unter anderem auf dem Hell Over Hammaburg Festival sowie einer kleinen Tour mit SUMERLANDS und ETERNAL CHAMPION zu sehen. R.I.P.

Galerie mit 21 Bildern: Eternal Champion - Jailbreak 2024Galerie mit 10 Bildern: Sumerlands - Hell Over Hammaburg 2024
Quelle: Facebook Eternal Champion

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