Update aus dem Studio


Die polnischen Tech Deather DECAPITATED sind im Radio Gdansk Studio (Polen) mit den Arbeiten an ihrem derzeit noch unbetitelten, neuen Album beschäftigt, dem Nachfolger des 2006er „Organic Hallucinations“.

Gitarrist & Gründungsmitglied Wacek Kieltyka führt aus: „The first week of recording is over. We’ve done the drums and prepared them to be mixed by Daniel [Bergstrand]. Since yesterday, we’ve been looking for the right guitar sound and we’ve already come up with a few ideas. We’ve got heaps of different speakers, heads, effects and we’re trying to pick the gear with the sound most suitable to the new riffs. It’s very probable that I’ll use again a transistor head in conjunction with a tube head – the combination that had always worked out well for DECAP. Also, I’m recording in a large room to take advantage of its ambience and to let the sound flow freely.“

Drummer Kerim „Krimh“ Lechner führt zu den Schlagzeugaufnahmen aus: „Hello guys! My work is done. I finished recording all drums in 3 days. I didn’t expect that it would be that fast, but I am happy about that. So now we have more time for guitars, bass, and vocals. These last days we’ve spent listening to all the drum tracks and choosing the best parts. Each song takes us about 3-4 hours and you have to spend a few days to listen through all the songs. Now we will send all the drum tracks to Daniel Bergstrand who will do a first mix of the drums so we can start recording guitars. The drum kit with all the microphones on it looked great but now we had to move it for the guitar amps. Yesterday we tried out the first 4 heads and some of them sounded really good. We will see in the next days which ones we will choose!“

DECAPITATEDs fünftes Studioalbum wird von Wacek Kiełtyka und Sound Engineered Malta Arkadiusz Malczewski produziert. Die Drums wurden mit Daniel Bergstrand (BEHEMOTH, MESHUGGAH, DIMMU BORGIR, KEEP OF KALESSIN) aufgenommen. Bergstrand übernimmt zudem den Mix.

Galerie mit 23 Bildern: Decapitated - Easter Cross 2024
Quelle: Nuclear Blast

- Dreaming in Red -

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Decapitated auf Tour

15.05.25Decapitated - Infernal Bleeding Over Europe 2025Decapitated, Warbringer, Cryptopsy und CarnationBackstage München, München
16.05.25Decapitated - Infernal Bleeding Over Europe 2025Decapitated, Warbringer, Cryptopsy und CarnationKiFF, Aarau
17.05.25Decapitated - Infernal Bleeding Over Europe 2025Decapitated, Warbringer, Cryptopsy und CarnationClub Vaudeville, Lindau
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