Neues Album "Arctic Thunder" angekündigt
Neuigkeiten aus dem Hause DARKTHRONE: Die norwegischen Black Metal-Urgesteine Fenriz und Nocturno Culto geben einen Zwischenstand zu ihrem kommenden Album ab – „Arctic Thunder“ soll das gute Stück heißen. Benannt ist das neue Werk, für das noch kein Veröffentlichungstermin feststeht, nach Aussage von Fenriz nach der gleichnamigen 80er-Underground Band.
Das gesamte Statement von Fenriz könnt ihr hier nachlesen:
„Hi folks, it’s time to talk a bit about our new album – and as I don’t like to talk or write about music much I can say that it is more serious and primitive than usual. Vocals are only done by Ted as I thought this would create a more solemn/introvert atmosphere. The album is called ARCTIC THUNDER because it is my fave bandname (old mega-obscure Norwegian band from the 80s that I asked the permission from to use as an album title). Meanwhile here is the cover, it is from the personal camping archives from a trip some years ago to SPÅLSBERGET in Nordmarka. IT has the usual spruce-tree skyline and also a bonfire – there will be another limited colour version with orange logo and title, because that was MY favourite colour, but the usual release looks like this in silver – as this was Ted’s favourite version.“
Zur weiteren Entwicklung halten wir euch natürlich auf dem Laufenden!
Mehr zu Darkthrone
Band | |
Stile | Black Metal, Black'n'Roll, Old School Black Metal |
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