Cult Of Luna & Julie Christmas
kündigen gemeinsame Shows an

Fünf exklusive Shows werden die schwedischen Post-Metaller CULT OF LUNA zusammen mit JULIE CHRISTMAS spielen, die ihr dem Tourplakat oben entnehmen könnt. Vor Kurzem wurde mit „Mariner“ das erste gemeinsame Album veröffentlicht, auf dem die aus New York stammende JULIE CHRISTMAS dem Bandsound der Schweden mit ihrem Gesang ein neues Element hinzufügt. Ursprünglich war geplant „Mariner“ nie live aufzuführen, wir sind daher umso gespannter. Gitarrist Johannes dazu:
“Mariner was never supposed to be played live. It was under this premise that we started working together with Julie over two years ago. The goal was to release the album, which was hard enough considering that we live on two sides of the gigantic Atlantic ocean. But if there’s one thing that life has taught me, it’s that you should never say never – however unlikely an event seems to be. Usually unlikely events are bad things that happen despite all precautions but in this case… well, let’s just say that the outcome is yet to be decided. The stars have aligned perfectly and I am going to have to take back what I’ve repeated in numerous interviews this past year: that „Mariner“ will not be played live, because it will. We have managed to sync our schedules and in November we will do a select few shows in Europe. Note that we will only play „Mariner“ from start to finish. There will be five CULT OF LUNA & JULIE CHRISTMAS shows in Europe, nothing more and nothing less. There are no plans to perform the album live again. We are as excited to hear how this plays out live as you might be because we haven’t played the songs together before. Hope to see you in November.”
Sieht also danach aus, dass mit keinen weiteren Shows und somit keinem Deutschlandtermin zu rechnen ist.