Unterschreiben bei Season Of Mist



Die schwedischen Black Metaller CRAFT haben einen Vertrag beim französischen Label Season Of Mist unterschrieben. Ein fünfstes CRAFT-Studioalbum ist bereits im Gespräch, weitere Details sind allerdings noch nicht bekannt.

Die Band kommentiert den Deal wie folgt:

„We are very pleased to have signed a deal with Season of Mist to release our next studio album“, sagt Gitarrist Joakim. „This label has many resources available for us, which enables us to make a really special fifth full-length. We are determined to create something severely misanthropic and cold with our upcoming release and our future live shows. We are confident that signing to Season of Mist and having access to all their professional crew and their experience will be very helpful in achieving this.“

Quelle: Season Of Mist
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