machen einen drauf mit ihrer neuen Single "The Drake"
Das kanadische Duo CLEOPATRICK veröffentlicht seine neue Single und das dazugehörige Video „THE DRAKE“. Der neue Song ist laut eigenen Angaben die Quintessenz von CLEOPATRICK in ihrer rohesten und ungefiltertesten Form. Das dazugehörige Home-Video erinnert dabei an das Leben vor der Pandemie bei einer der typischen Keller-Shows der Band.
Die Band sagt folgendes zum neuen Song:
“This song is about a gig we played at „the drake hotel“ in Toronto, back in 2017. It was shortly after our band had started to pop. We were very anxious for this show as it was going to be one of our first performances where we would be in front of a crowd of people that had discovered us through the internet. We felt a lot of pressure, and intended to impress. However, shortly before we went up to play, things ended up taking a very unfortunate turn. as we nervously watched the crowd spill onto the venue floor from outside, a familiar group caught our eye…
It was „the boys“. The kind of “the boys” that had made us feel embarrassed about our love of music in high school. The kind of “the boys” that we tried to escape through this band. The kind of “the boys” we had written an entire EP about.
This ruined everything. honestly. it was one of the worst shows we ever played. This song is about that night at „The Drake“. It’s about assholes from our hometown, it’s about never standing up for yourself and it’s about looking forward to the day you can leave your high school bullies behind.”
Die neue Single ist die zweite Auskopplung aus dem kommenden Debütalbum von CLEOPATRICK, welches von ihrem Freund Jig Dubé als Co-Produzent geschrieben und aufgenommen wurde. Keine Deals, keine großen Namen, einfach Spaß an der Sache.