Bleeding Gods
trennen sich von Bassist Gea Mulder
Gea Mulder, bis dato zuständig für die tiefen Töne bei der niederländischen Death-Metal-Institution BLEEDING GODS, wird die Band nach einem letzten Gig bei den „MetalDays 2018“ in Slowenien verlassen. Mulder gab in einem Statement an, schon seit längerer Zeit mit Burn-out-Symptomen zu kämpfen. Er habe daher keine andere Lösung mehr gesehen, als die Band zu verlassen. Hier Mulders Statement im Wortlaut:
„As not many people know I have been coping with signs of burnout. The decision to quit Bleeding Gods has been one hell of a difficult decision, but I know this is the best thing to do. I have to move forward and so does Bleeding Gods. My years with Bleeding Gods have been a ride with a lot of great memories. I appreciate the chances we have been given; the opportunity to sign with Nuclear Blast and play in Russia, Japan and Europe and our recent shows with Belphegor and Melechesh. It has been a real blast.
I wish my ‚brothers‘ all the luck and success in the world and hope to see them on the road again. I’m planning to write music again and work for other musicians with my company Guitart. I’d like to say a special thank you to our fans, my friends and family, our crew, Nuclear Blast, the bands we’ve played with and everyone who supports us around the globe. Hope to see you soon.“
Die Band bedankte sich ihrerseits bei Mulder und teaserte die baldige Bekanntgabe eines Nachfolgers an:
„Thanks to all for your support towards Gea and us. We have been receiving many questions in regards to possible auditions etc. Since everything was discussed openly and in good harmony we could already prepare and we have already found our new Metal Queen. We will share more news with you in a few weeks.“
Mehr zu Bleeding Gods
Band | |
Stile | Black Metal, Death Metal |
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