Black Sabbath
Neues, finales Studioalbum kommt


Black Sabbath

Wie Ozzy Osbourne in einem aktuellen Interview mit dem Metal Hammer UK preisgab, werden sich BLACK SABBATH Anfang 2015 ins Studio begeben, um mit den Arbeiten an einem neuen Album zu beginnen. Der Nachfolger des 2013er Albums „13“ soll abermals von Rick Rubin produziert werden. Dem Album soll ebenfalls eine finale Tour folgen.

Hier das Original-Statement von Ozzy im Wortlaut:

„The whole Sabbath experience this time around was great. We all made friends, we didn’t fuck around, we all knew that we had a job to do, and we did it. It was a lot of fun. So we’re going to do one more album, and a final tour. Once the dust settled after the last tour we started discussing the idea, because we were getting asked about it all the time. I said to Sharon ‚What’s going on? Because if there’s no more Sabbath I want to get on with my own thing again‘ and she came back and said ‚Let me look into it.‘ Three weeks later I asked her about it again, and she said ‚Oh, I still have to talk to so and so…‘ and I said ‚Sharon, I ain’t fucking 21 any more, if we’re going to do it I want to do it before I’m 70!‘ Time isn’t on our side! So she made the call and came back and said ‚Yeah, the record company wants another album.‘ I believe Rick Rubin is going to do it with us again.

„It’ll be sooner rather than later. Obviously a lot of it is coming down to Tony’s health, he’s obviously got his cancer treatment, but we’ll get onto it next year. I don’t know if we’ll be writing in England or LA, but I’ll fly to the fucking moon for it if I have to!“

Quelle: Metal Hammer UK

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