Tour abgesagt!


Hier ein offizielles Statemant der Band zur Tourabsage: We’re sad to inform you that we finally decided to cancel the tour. We really tried our best to make the tour happen, but it became just more and more chaotic in the end. At first, the billing was supposed to consist of Aeternus, Agathodaimon, Hecate Enthroned, Mörk Gryning and Infernal Poetry. After the majority of the shows were already booked, the headliner Aeternus decided to cancel, as they obviously weren’t happy about the financial aspect of the tour. There had to be some changes done to the contracts (after many clubs didn’t want to pay the sum which the tour management did expect at first). Just a few days later, Mörk Gryning did cancel, too. We discussed the situation together and decided to continue this tour last-minute, together with Hecate Enthroned and Infernal Poetry. The routing was changed here and there, as some clubs of course weren’t happy about such a drastically reduced billing. It was obvious that the tour at this point would be a financial loss for all involved parties, but we still had the belief that it would be at least fun to play, especially in countries where we haven’t been before. We’ve been quite nervous about doing a tour under such circumstances, without proper promotion and such a changed billing. But we didn’t want to let the fans down, who at least wanted to see Hecate Enthroned, Infernal Poetry and us. Last saturday, we received a mail from Hecate Enthroned where they told us that their label wouldn’t give them any tour support, all of a sudden. So they were forced to cancel as they couldn’t even afford to travel to the first gig of the tour, they said. Although we sent them a mail the same day, telling them that we’d lend them the money they’d need, it seems that the mail didn’t arrive in time. On monday, we received their answer, which said that three of them already told their places of work that they were not going on tour, so they are expected in work now. Well, we even discussed the situation of going on with another band to replace Hecate Enthroned, three days before the beginning of the tour. But we came to the decision that it wouldn’t make sense anymore. Three out of five bands cancelled, a lot of confused club owners and fans… it just looks like this tour was never meant to happen. We’re sorry that we have to cancel the tour in the last minute, I hope you understand it. We were looking forward since November to play this tour, but shit happens! Our thanks go out to Phil & WorldProgressBookings as well as Infernal Poetry, for all their support and belief in the tour until the last minute. Sathonys, Agathodaimon

Quelle: Nuclear Blast

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