After The Burial
Ex-Gitarrist Justin Lowe als vermisst gemeldet


After The Burial

Vor wenigen Wochen berichteten wir von Justin Lowes Ausstieg bei AFTER THE BURIAL und seinem verwirrenden Statement. Mittlerweile scheint klar zu sein, dass der US-Amerikaner an einer psychischen Krankheit leidet.

Wie US-Medien nun berichten, hat Lowes Schwester den Gitarristen am Wochenende als vermisst gemeldet. So seien Suchtrupps im US-Bundesstaat Wisconsin auf der Suche nach ihrem Bruder. Lowes Schwester teilte am Samstag mit: „Sie haben sein Auto gefunden und er wurde offiziell als vermisst gemeldet. Eine umfangreiche Suche hat heute in dem Gebiet stattgefunden, in dem sein Auto entdeckt wurde, sie wird morgen fortgesetzt.“ Gestern meldete sie sich erneut zu Wort: „Sie suchen meinen Bruder Tag und Nacht. Danke für Eure Gebete.

Warum Lowe verschwunden ist, ist unklar. Von seinen ehemaligen Bandkollegen gibt es noch kein Statement.

Hier die Aussagen Lowes‘ Schwester im Originalwortlaut:

Samstag: „My brother Justin went missing this morning. His car has been located and he has been declared a missing person. An extensive search was done today in the area that his car was found in and will continue tomorrow morning. At this time, I ask that you please respect our privacy as we go through this devastating experience. At the same time, we ask for prayers that he is found and safe. As I’m sure there will be many of you messaging me, please know that I am reading them and appreciating your concern, but may not reply. I will continue to post updates as I have them. At this time, the authorities have not asked for the public’s assistance in searching. The area is unsafe and they have every park ranger and sherif assisting in the search. If that changes, I will let everyone know.

Sonntag: „The search has been completed for today. The ground around the area his car was found has been searched completely. [We] went and walked the trails and along the shore of the St. Croix today, but did not find any sign of him. All search efforts tomorrow will be in the river. We are very impressed with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and Park Rangers who have coordinated the search efforts. They are working day and night to find my brother. Thank you to everyone for their prayers.

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