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  • Black Metal
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Heriot auf Tour

10.12.24Fit for an autopsy - EU/UK Tour 2024Fit For An Autopsy, Sylosis, Darkest Hour und HeriotHole44, Berlin
13.12.24Fit for an autopsy - EU/UK Tour 2024Fit For An Autopsy, Sylosis, Darkest Hour und HeriotReithalle, Dresden
19.12.24Fit for an autopsy - EU/UK Tour 2024Fit For An Autopsy, Sylosis, Darkest Hour und HeriotBackstage München, München
20.12.24Fit for an autopsy - EU/UK Tour 2024Fit For An Autopsy, Sylosis, Darkest Hour und HeriotSubstage, Karlsruhe
21.12.24Fit for an autopsy - EU/UK Tour 2024Fit For An Autopsy, Sylosis, Darkest Hour und HeriotEssigfabrik, Köln


Heriot - Devoured By the Mouth of Hell [Vinyl LP]bei amazon26,99 €
Heriot - Profound Morality [Vinyl Maxi-Single]bei amazon141,00 €