Dope Stars Inc.


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  • Black Metal
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  • Gothic / Darkwave
  • Gothic Metal / Mittelalter
  • Hardcore / Grindcore
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  • Industrial / Electronic
  • Modern Metal
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  • Pagan / Viking Metal
  • Post-Rock/Metal
  • Progressive Rock/Metal
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  • Thrash Metal


Dope Stars Inc. - Terapunkbei amazon18,64 €
Subway To Sally - Sonic Seducer 03-2015 limited Edition + exkl. Picture-Vinyl zum Album Mitgift von Subway To Sally (499 Ex.) + 2 CDs, u.a. eine exkl. EP + Lanyard + Mittelalter-Special u.v.m. [Vinyl LP]bei amazon16,26 €
Deine Lakaien - Sonic Seducer 07/08-14 mit Deine Lakaien-Titelstory + exkl. Special A. & C. -EP von Deine Lakaien mit dem Song Farewell + weitere CD + WGT-Special, Bands: Lacrimosa, Letzte Instanz u.v.m.bei amazon12,95 €
Dope Stars Inc. - Gigaheartsbei amazon6,90 €
Dope Stars Inc. - Criminal Intents/Morning Starbei amazon39,93 €
Dope Stars Inc. - 21st Century Slavebei amazon41,40 €
Dope Stars Inc. - Neuromancebei amazon16,89 €
Dosul - Dosulbei amazon11,51 €

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Dope Stars Inc. - Make a Star,Ltd.bei amazon36,95 €
Dope Stars Inc. - Deathwatch Asiabei amazon21,60 €

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