Rotting Christ
Rotting Christ


Vielleicht habt ihr ja schon gehört, daß ein geltungssüchtiger Republikaner die Griechen als Homosexuelle beschimpft/bezeichnet hat, was völligst aus der Luft gegriffen ist. Rotting Christ haben sich dazu herabgelassen ein Statement zu veröffentlichen. Hier als Originalzitat: “Speaking for the whole band, we are surprised to notice the statement by the Republican politician Gary Bauer about Rotting Christ. It’s a strange to see what certain politicians do to enlarge their publicity. They point out someone that is heterosexual as homosexual in order to express their homophobia towards someone that is „shocking“ in appearance, or is that because our appearance is not „as male“ as theirs!? Anyway, what is the necessary male appearance to be a „real man“? Concerning our anti-Catholic attitude, that’s pretty obvious with a name like Rotting Christ which already clarifies our position in religious matters. But that’s not only regarding Catholicism but every other kind of religion as well. Living in (so called) Democratic societies, I think everyone should have the right to call religions as he/she wants. We in fact simply believe that are „rotting“! We are not a „satanic-crusader“ type of band but rather one of the many bands that represent the dark side in nowadays‘ Metal music.“

Galerie mit 27 Bildern: Rotting Christ - Summer Breeze Open Air 2024
Quelle: Century Media

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Rotting Christ auf Tour

04.04.25Behemoth - "The Unholy Trinity" European Tour 2025Behemoth, Satyricon und Rotting ChristGasometer, Wien
05.04.25Behemoth - "The Unholy Trinity" European Tour 2025Behemoth, Satyricon und Rotting ChristZenith, München
06.04.25Behemoth - "The Unholy Trinity" European Tour 2025Behemoth, Satyricon und Rotting ChristColumbiahalle, Berlin
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