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Gitarrist Johannes „Axeman“ Losbäck der schwedischen Heavy-Metal-Institution WOLF hat sich zu Rock’n’Rolfs Entscheidung, Deutschlands Heavy-Metal-Flaggschiff RUNNING WILD zu versenken, dankbar aufgrund Herrn Kaspareks 30-jährigem Schaffen und zum anstehenden RUNNING WILD Tribute-Album (Link) geäußert:
„I deeply want to thank Mr. Rolf Kasparek for his brilliance, songwriting, inspiration and for having – single-handedly – created a whole new edition of metal.
I started listening to RUNNING WILD in 1988 as a 13-year-old and I remember that I wanted to see you guys so badly live. I never had the opportunity until the gig at Sweden Rock Festival. I keep that in mind as one of my favourite gigs of all times – and I’ve seen a lot!
Unfortunately WOLF is not involved with the new tribute-album because we are very busy at the moment, it just could not happen, though I truly wish that we did, since playing any song by RUNNING WILD would have been an honour to me.
There is no doubt that RUNNING WILD’s music has and still will keep on inspiring me and a helluva lot of people.
Once again: Thank you for all the great music and the great memories I have connected to RUNNING WILD.
I’m honored to be a fan.“
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