...bezüglich Line Up Wechsel
DISIPLIN-Leader Drakul Azacain hat folgendes Statement zum Besetzungswechsel seiner Band verlauten lassen:
„Just before the release of ‚Anti-Life‘ (January/February 2005), DISIPLIN went through some dramatic changes. I, Drakul Azacain (Savant M, General K, Drakul218 etc.) parted ways with the entire line-up of DISIPLIN. I wanted to take the next step in the evolution of DISIPLIN, and in order to improve the vessel DISIPLIN is (for the Anti-Cosmic and Satanic Current), certain actions had to be taken! If chaos, darkness shall once again rule in the so-called ‚black‘ metal scene, then some bands have to take a stand! EVERY member must stand behind DISIPLIN’s Satanic message! This message also, hopefully, banishes the ridiculous rumor that DISIPLIN is a NSBM (racially biased) band. We hate all people equally!
„Introducing the Bloodline of Cain:
Drakul Azacain – Guitars
Rune Andreassen – Vocals
Frode Ramsland – Guitars
„The entire line-up will be issued shortly!
„In addition, I wish to thank the former members of DISIPLIN for their work on the releases, concerts and rehearsals they participated on!“
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