Newsted rechnet ab!
Ex-METALLICA-Bassist Jason Newsted hat verbal mit seine alten Kollegen wegen deren Entscheidung, mit LINKIN PARK und LIMP BIZKIT auf Tour zu gehen, abgerechnet. Zum britischen Rock Sound Magazin sagte er folgendes: „It’s a joke, I think METALLICA are just a joke. I don’t think they have any idea. I am fan of METALLICA again, I did my thing in there and felt good and I’m proud of that shit and I am more proud than sour. But that’s the integrity down the fucking tube! Why can’t they take out STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, why can’t they take out IN FLAMES? What they are doing now is such an obvious cash thing and has nothing to do with the music that we’re supposed to be fighting for. […] Kirk got quoted about their new record sounding like ENTOMBED. How can it sound like ENTOMBED, how? Who is playing bass to make it sound like ENTOMBED? James is a good bass player, but c’mon, dude! Lars — he hasn’t practiced enough drums over the years — he let his art fall away from him, he doesn’t have the same finesse as he used to have, so how is it going to sound like ENTOMBED and have that energy? And anyway if they are speaking like that how come they are not talking ENTOMBED out on tour? Or MESHUGGAH — how came they are not staying true to their words? That’s what really bothers me.“
Galerie mit 32 Bildern: Metallica - M72 World Tour 2023 in HamburgMehr zu Metallica
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