Drowning Pool
Sänger Opfer des Alkohols?


Wie gestern berichtet, ist DROWNING POOL-Sänger Dave Williams im Alter von 30 Jahren gestorben. Seine Todesursache ist noch nicht geklärt, aber die Anzeichen verdichten sich, dass er nach exzessivem Alkoholgenuss im Schlaf an seinem Erbrochenen erstickt ist. Eine offizielle Bestätigung fehlt allerdings noch. Nachdem gestern schon DISTURBED-Fronter David Draiman sein Mitgefühl ausgedrückt hatte, folgten heute mehrere Persönlichkeiten der Musikszene diesem Beispiel. ANTHRAX posteten folgendes auf ihrer Website: „Dave was a sweetheart. Dave was really funny. Dave loved metal. Dave was one hell of a nice guy. That’s rare. We’ll miss ya Dave. Our hearts go out to Dave’s family and friends.“ MACHINE HEAD gaben folgendes Statement ab: „MACHINE HEAD would like to extend our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and fans of Dave Williams. Dave was a friend to us all, one of those guys that you couldn’t help but like… he was as nice as they come, and had nothing but respect for anyone and everyone that he met. He will be sorely missed.“ SKID ROW sagten: „Our condolences go out to the family, friends and crew of Dave Williams, lead singer of DROWNING POOL. He was a great guy and an amazing talent, he will be missed by all that knew him.“ CHIMAIRA-Frontman Mark Hunter kommentierte Williams‘ tragisches Ableben so: „Dave’s lyrics for ‚Tear Away‘ couldn’t have been farther from the truth. The little time we got to spend with Dave was very memorable. It is not often a band of that size has the time, or the inclination to mingle with smaller bands like us, but Dave went out of his way to make sure we were not only taken care of, but he spent his down time hanging out with us. Dave was one of the coolest and friendliest bright stars we have ever encountered. He will be missed and never forgotten. Our hearts go out to Dave’s family and the rest of the DROWNING POOL camp.“ SOIL-Bassist Tim King gab folgendes von sich: „We just got the news that our friend Dave from the band DROWNING POOL died today. We are in total shock. I just can’t believe it. Just a few days ago Dave was up on stage singing ‚Halo‘ with us and we were hanging out together after the Ozzfest shows. Ryan even sang ‚Bodies‘ with DP last night. Tears are filling up in my eyes as I write this. Dave was one of the coolest and most down to earth guys you could ever meet. He was a true friend. We love ya bro!! You will always be in our thoughts and hearts.“

Quelle: Blabbermouth

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