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NEVERMORE-Frontmann Warrel Dane hat auf der offiziellen Bandpage folgendes Statement gepostet: „We are currently doing pre-production demos for Enemies of Reality. I recently finished the vocals for a song called ‚Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday‘. This tune is turning out great with a chorus that sticks in your head like crazy. The title track and another entitled ‚Abomination‘ are going to be the ones that all you Politics Of Ecstasy fans will love…or hate! [Guitarist] Jeff [Loomis] is playing some really great solos, from furiously fast and technical, to slow, brooding and beautiful…another track… ‚Who Decides‘ is shaping up to be my favorite lyrically, but it’s no secret I have a liking for depressing doom tinged lyrics…. So now it’s official that Steve Smyth from TESTAMENT/DRAGONLORD will be helping us out with the 2nd guitar situation for our Euro and US festival dates… we are really looking forward to this and are really grateful to the TESTAMENT guys for letting us borrow him! As far as the song list for the Euro fests…. We will be playing a broad spectrum of songs from most of our discs, 2 songs from the self-titled debut included… and perhaps a surprise or two…all for now …stay metal.“ NEVERMORE werden im herbst mit Produzent Andy Sneap ins Studio gehen und ihr neues Album „Enemies Of Reality“ aufnehmen, damit es Anfang 2003 über Century Media Records veröffentlicht werden kann. Es soll wesentlich spontaner ausfallen als die bisherigen Paltten der Gruppe. Folgende Songs werden mit an Bord sein: 01. The Story Of Our End, 02. Who Decides, 03. The Song Of The Solemn One, 04. Enemies Of Reality, 05. Psychotic Intellectual Narcotic, 06. Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday, 07. Abomination.

Quelle: Blabbermouth

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