VNV Nation
"Futureperfect" kommt im Januar in die Läden.


VNV Nation werden ihr Album „Futureperfect“ nun definitiv im Januar 2002 veröffentlichen. Vorab könnt Ihr allerdings schon einmal VNV Nation Mastermind Ronan Harris Manifest zum neuen Album lesen, das durch die akutellen Ereignisse in den USA ein erschreckende Aktualität erhält, obgleich es schon von VNV Nation vor Monaten geschrieben wurde… „Night Time in Metropolis“: I am not happy with the world that I see. My fate is decided by people I have no faith in, by people elected in other countries who I equally have no faith in and by ideologies and beliefs that do not seek good for all but for the chosen. There is no great common good anymore, only repackaged remnants of failed ideologies and financial ambitions. In the early years of the 20th Century thinkers envisaged a „brave new world“ of the future. There was a fervour for how the world should be remodelled. Movements such as Futurism and Modernism expressed their notions of the world to come through art, architecture, music and thought. These designs would require great change and mass social engineering in order to be achieved. Somewhere the vision went wrong. Somewhere the execution of these designs dictated a sanitised, homogenous future with no place for the natural essences of humanity such as individuality, diversity, free thought and spirituality. It espoused a time when humanity would be designed for the world and not the other way around as Futurism had intended. VNV Nation is a product of the world which came as a result of a democratic clash between future visions and a desperate desire to hold onto the past. VNV Nation instead chose to express ‚retro futurism‘. It is a view from our decaying present day of a world which should have existed but lives only in the minds of those who question the progress we were given. It is a world where modernism had not sought to dehumanise us, where the ancient and mystical still survive among towering spires of glass and concrete, where wars had perhaps not been fought without lessons having been learned and a world that was still a future forged by progress but essentially biological. It is a world that retains valuable notions we have since thrown away, notions like selflessness, chivalry, honour, courage and fortitude. It is an alternate present built by great aspirations, combined human effort and noble causes. We have always expressed emotion in this spirit of past and future combined. We express what it means to know you are alive, to truly feel alive, to be aware of ones surroundings and to contemplate them for every emotion and every thought is vital to what we are and what we will become. Here at the advent of the 21st century and the 3rd Millennium we live in an age without vision, direction or decision. Instead cynicism and nihilism are rampant among the youth who were once the source of our future visions. I find no faith, enthusiasm or drive in our world to picture and create any world to come. We exist in a future that we inherited by force. The plans to build the future we now occupy came at the tail end of the so called „age of enlightenment“ where science promised all the answers and arrogantly began to usurp the existence of and need for a God. Now we find ourselves in the resulting age where faiths are questioned and where we seek a meaning for our existence more and more with each passing day. For all the enthusiasm to design the future that came from the beginning of the last century I have to ask what mankind has since achieved and how it came to waste such ambition. It is for our children that we build this world. Somewhere along the way I feel this notion was lost. Futureperfect is in someway a social commentary. It is a reflection of where we could have gone and are going. It is the celebration of our humanity despite the efforts of flawed visions to mould us into figures and details. I am not happy with the world that I see but that does not mean that I and others like me cannot change it.

Galerie mit 14 Bildern: VNV Nation auf dem Mera Luna Festival 2016
Quelle: Hardbeat Propaganda

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