Dynamo Open Air
Kein Festival dank MKS!
Unglaublich aber wahr: Die Maul- und Klauenseuche macht sich nun auch für alle Metaller bemerkbar, die ihr Pfingstwochenende einmal mehr in die Niederlande zum Dynamo Open Air verlegen wollten. Nach Einschätzung einiger Bauern in Lichtenvoorde, dem diesjährigen Austragungsort, sei die Gefahr durch die enorme Menschenmasse zu groß. Sollten die Veranstalter auf die Schnelle keine Ausweichlocation finden, werden bereits verkaufte Tickets natürlich erstattet. Hier das offizielle Statement: „The city of Lichtenvoorde has banned Dynamo Open Air, which was scheduled to take place from May 24 through 26 at De Schans in Lichtenvoorde. Today mayor R. van Rijckevorsel of Lichtenvoorde has withdrawn the permit. The decision was made out of fear of spreading Foot and mouth disease. The organisers have not been able to find an alternate location to move the event. Lichtenvoorde is predominantly an agricultural community. Some farmers in Lichtenvoorde consider several tens of thousands of festival visitors as high risk to the area. To prevent the city from being discorded over the issue the City of Lichtenvoorde has decided to ban the festival. Without closing its eyes for the tense situation in Lichtenvoorde, the organisers regret the decision made by the City. The interests of Dynamo Open Air have not properly been weighed in the decision making. Festival director Rob Trommelen: „I would like to underline the fact that we have always worked very pleasantly with Lichtenvoorde and we still do. However, the decision weighs very heavily on us, especially because, according to recent information, the F&M crisis seems to reach the stage where it is controllable. In our opinion this is not necessary.“ The organisers, in co-operation with the City, consider to consult a neutral third party. Until now Dynamo Open Air has sold 15.000 tickets. Capacity is 25.000. In case of a definate cancellation all tickets will be refunded. More info will follow shortly.“
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