Wave Gotik Treffen
Ohne Fields of the Nephilim.
Die Veranstalter baten uns um Bekanntgabe folgender Mitteilung: Zu unserem größten Bedauern haben Fields of the Nephilim ihre Zusage für den Auftritt im Rahmen des 10. Wave-Gotik-Treffens zurückgezogen. Wir bemühen uns eine adäquate Band für das 10. Wave-Gotik-Treffen zu verpflichten. Zu den Gründen für die Absage von Fields of the Nephilim bitten wir Euch folgende Presseerklärung, welche uns Carl McCoy auf dem elektronischen Postweg zukommen lassen hat, zur Kenntnis zu nehmen: „The Nephilim regret to inform you that we are unable to perform at the Wave Gotik Treffen Festival (June 2nd) and the Zillo festival (June 16th), as scheduled, due to personal and professional reasons. If we had not been held back with our project they would have been fantastic opportunities to show you our new material. In Carl’s eyes the album has been cursed and postponed enough by unforeseen forces that be. We have promised you, our loyal fans, the next chapter We thank you for your ongoing patience and due to our commitment to our devotees this project’s completion is our first priority. Our new album is the key to our future and we are not prepared to compromise our fans‘ expectations any more. We are sorry that you have been disillusioned, The Nephilim is not about celebrating the past, it is a deep and intense way of life. Those who understand the significance of the philosophy will understand that there is no other reason for being there.“ Regards, Carl McCoy.
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